Carlitos Espinoza & Agustina Piaggio

Carlos Espinoza

He is a dynamic young milonguero style dancer who has been dancing for the last eighteen years in Argentina and Chile and has instructed at over 100 festivals and workshops in Europe and South America gaining a fiercely-loyal following worldwide.

One of Carlito’s first tango teacher was Carlos Malone and Sergio Natario, who taught him the importance of walking. In 1998 Carlitos began teaching in Argentina and Chile and in 2001, in Europe. Word quickly spread and since 2004 he has instructed in Europe almost full-time. When Carlitos is not touring he resides in Santiago, Chile where he instructs group classes and gives private classes to a seemingly endless stream of advanced students who arrive daily from around the world to work with him. Dance Style Carlitos dances an authentic close-embrace milonguero style tango. His personal dance style is characterized by a rare combination of extreme dynamism, profound musicality, energy, precision, and a very grounded and elegant walk. Teaching Style As an instructor, Carlitos is masterful. He works on multiple levels with students, simultaneously developing technique and mechanics while challenging the student’s interior landscape, and their process of conceptualizing while they lead or follow.

Agustina Piaggio

Young dancer already very well known, she won the championship of the world of tango salón in 2019, with Maxim Gerasimov.

Agustina Piaggio is one talented young dancer making waves in the world of tango. Her smooth and graceful movements on the dance floor have earned her the coveted championship of the world of tango salón in 2019. She has already become a well-known figure in tango circles, thanks to her exceptional skills and natural talent. When you see Agustina dance, you cannot help but be captivated by her fluid and graceful movements that seem to flow effortlessly. Agustina is undoubtedly a rising star that we should all keep an eye on.