Classes Schedule


Cell colors are indicates levels of the classes
Dancers who have been dancing for less than one year or want to focus on fundamentals.
All social dancers aiming to strengthen their techniques and acquire new elements.
Social dancers who want to reach the next level and challenge themselves with new elements.
Dancers who have been dancing for more than 5 years, whether professionals or social dancers, want to challenge themselves with their performance skills.
All dancers from all levels focus on the fundamentals of Tango.
Workshops focusing on a specific technique or topic. Registration can be done in packages.
DaySessionRoom 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5
March 11
18:30-19:45Cristian & Valentin
(CV4111 )
Technique work in choreographic sequence: Creation of choreographic sequence and based on this sequence correct, perfect and learn the appropriate execution and motor skills
Facundo & Vanesa
(FV3112 )
Musicality: Body weight and energy, according to the musical idea.
March 11
20:00-21:15Carlitos & Agustina
(CA2121 )
Dissociation as a principle: Concept, techniques, communication with the partner and ways of working on it.
Facundo & Vanesa
(FV4122 )
Variations: rhythmic and melodic language depending on the type of variation
Javier & Fatima
(JF3123 )
Giros and sacadas during close embrace. Learning to create a space for it.
Neri & Yanina
(NY2124 )
Ganchos technique for the leader, how to lead them on the improvisation to make the follower feel comfortable, technique for the follower, how to react without feeling stress in our body, a free leg and delicate.
Giampiero & Magdalena
(GM3125 )
From Tango Salon to Stage: How to highlight your Salon tools to take them to the Stage. Expansion and interpretation. Use of resources and tools of Stage Tango.
March 12
11:00-12:15Yanina Quinones
(NY5211 )
Follower Tech
Neri Piliu
(NY6212 )
Leaders Tech
March 12
12:30-13:45Fatima Vitale
(JF5221 )
Follower Tech
Javier Rodriguez
(JF6222 )
Leaders Tech
March 12
14:00-15:15Facundo & Vanesa
Turns: combinations and shapes of the structure according to musicality.
Lucas& Paula
Dynamics, how the movement help us to became more expressive or colourful improving our communication with our partner.
Facundo & Noelia
Complex sequences for variations: voleos, ganchos and technique to speed up the movements
Javier & Fatima
(JF2234 )
Milonga: Javier and Fatima's favorite combinations in Milonga
Dmitry & Stefany
(DS2235 )
Interaction and variability! Who bypasses whom and when? 12 basic situations in which the axis of the leader and the follower may be relative to each other
March 12
15:30-16:45Facundo & Vanesa
(FV4241 )
Waltz: repetition resources to create dynamic effect
Gianpiero & Lorena
(GL4242 )
Dancing variation: fast yet simple and social elements. Gianpiero and Lorena's favorite.
Javier & Fatima
Musicality: Rhythm and melody in Tango and working with different Orchestras and different Interpretation.
Diego & Aldana
(DA2244 )
Ganchos and Boleos: Finding meaning in the movements, playing with accents, adding color to the music with Ganchos and boleos... In this class we will specifically work on the technique of boleos and ganchos, how they are lead, how they are executed and then how they are expressed in the music
Octavio& Carolina
(OC8245 )

SEMINAR:Orchestral Styles: How to dance the 3 most important styles. Main features to differentiate the qualities of movement according to each orchestral style. - Osvaldo Pugliese - Juan D'arienzo - Carlos Di Sarli
March 12
17:00-18:15Carlitos & Agustina
(CA4251 )
Rhythm: silence, accents, colors, volume, amplitude: elements to highlight the details of the rhythm.
Juan & Manuela
(JM3252 )
Introductory: From Salon to Stage: First approach, using the elements we already know and adding up intention and attitude.
Gianpiero & Lorena
(GL2253 )
Musicality in motion: ways to structure “dynamical phrases” and understand each other on the long range
Neri & Yanina
(NY3254 )
Different approach to do Barridas: The technique to be stable on the standing leg, to be able to be free on the free leg but at the same time, being present to make understand our partner where we are. Some examples of barridas, linear barridas, barridas in giros with piques, barridas and colgadas for the dance floor, and barridas and ganchos for fun and train.
Octavio& Carolina
(OC8255 )

SEMINAR:Orchestral Styles: How to dance the 3 most important styles. Main features to differentiate the qualities of movement according to each orchestral style. - Osvaldo Pugliese - Juan D'arienzo - Carlos Di Sarli
March 12
18:30-19:45Carlitos & Agustina
Colgadas and Elastics: Sequences to apply in to the social dance (Carlitos and Agustina's favorite)
Juan & Manuela
Free leg: Boleos for men and women. Proper lead. How to connect the center and the legs for correct reaction and dynamics. Leg articulation and body reaction.
Los Totis
(LT4263 )
Very fast ​​sequences using elements from different themes and preparing to variations
Cristian & Valentin
(CV3264 )
Circularity and musicality: Creation of specific movements to remain in the same place for a certain time without losing rhythm or musicality.
Giampiero & Magdalena
Spins: Structure and shaping. The impulses and pushes inorder to create different effects. Activating participation for both roles.
March 13
11:00-12:15Manuela Rossi
(JM5311 )
Follower Tech
Juan Malizia
Leader Tech
March 13
12:30-13:45Chicho & Juana
(CJ8321 )

SEMINAR:Musicality: Sincopation and double beat never been so easy. You will search for the harmony of rhytm and melody.
Gianpiero & Lorena
(GL3322 )
Steps, voleos, out of axis and deslizes: all of them with one technique
Cristian & Valentin
(CV2323 )
Enrosques both roles: Set of synchronized screws maintaining the naturalness of the movement
Diego & Aldana
(DA4324 )
Full Stage Tango: We invite you to get on the adrenaline of the Stage and achieve a combination between skill, feeling and Tango. Through choreography we will work on movements that lead to maximum musical expression (Highly recommended for dancers seeking perfection)
Giampiero & Magdalena
(GM3325 )
From fast to slowness and vice versa: How to use pushes to create visual effects without force. Dynamic and complex movements. (Giampiero and Magdalena's favorite)
March 13
14:00-15:15Chicho & Juana
(CJ8331 )

SEMINAR:Musicality: Sincopation and double beat never been so easy. You will search for the harmony of rhytm and melody.
Diego & Aldana
(DA4332 )
Posture, use of the embrace in relation to the axis, dissociation and pivot, they all combined in complex sequences.
Javier & Fatima
(JF3333 )
The combination of Sacadas and Barridas in Tango Salon Style, a new approach.
Cristian & Valentin
(CV4334 )
Both roles removed: Game of synchronized kicks maintaining the naturalness of the movement without breaking the hug.
Gianpiero & Lorena
(GL2335 )
Vals: Exploit the vals rhythmic structure to interpret and dance its typical feeling.
March 13
15:30-16:45Facundo & Vanesa
Giros: lápices and enrosques / how to build a good practice
Carlitos & Agustina
(CA3342 )
Build the dance of two, both active roles and proposing. Exploration of our own interpretation.
Javier & Fatima
(JF4343 )
Giros and Contra-Giros with Sacadas, utilizing different ways to apply your Tango embraces (Highly Recomended)
Lucas& Paula
(LP3344 )

“Alteraciones” the spiral movements. The intention, the dynamic and the axis of the movement (Highly recomended)INTA
Facundo & Noelia
(FN2345 )

Milonguero tips " sacadas and barridas, both linear and circular, in synch with the line of dance. Circulation and control in reduced spaces INT
March 13
17:00-18:15Facundo & Vanesa

Facundo and Vanesa's favorite sequences in speed with closed embrace (Highly Recommended)ADV
Los Totis

Flexibility of the embrace: Transition from the closed embrace to the vertical axis for both roles (Working on our Style)BEG
Juan & Manuela
(JM3353 )

Advanced Enrosque work for men and women. New challenges and dynamic change.INTA
Lucas& Paula

Legs communication: combination of “Sacadas” for both roles (leaders and followers) You will see our new approach.INT
Dmitry & Stefany
(DS3355 )

Milonga: How to maintain interaction during fast movements and feel the leadership of the leader. Work for both roles.INTA
March 13
18:30-19:45Facundo & Vanesa

Rhythmic and Musical interpretation for a good Improvisation in your dance.ALL
Los Totis
(LT3362 )

Giros with sacadas: To Know and understand the structure for creating sequences from a solid base. (Highly Recomended)INTA
Octavio& Carolina

Tanguísimo: Corte, Quebrada, Parada, Final are movements with strong visual impact that make part of Tango history. Incorporating this to the dance to give a very Tanguero style. INT
Neri & Yanina

Tango Fantasia, the great milongueros masters used it in their exhibitions, we will dance with the woman in front of the public, a new experience of sensations, sensitivity for the woman and lead, improvisation and creativity for the man and the couple. ADV
Dmitry & Stefany

Technique and interaction! The direction of the feet is the most important stage in building posture and changing directions. INT
March 14
11:00-12:15 Paula Tejeda
(LP5411 )
Follower Tech
Lucas Carrizo
Leader Tech
March 14
12:30-13:45Facundo & Vanesa

SEMINAR:Tango Escenario
Los Totis

Sequences with Ganchos for both roles. The elements that you can use in high quality. ADV
Cristian & Valentin
(CV2423 )

Mix of times and against times: Musical management intertwining tempos. INT
Neri & Yanina
(NY2424 )

Milonga: Musicality and interpretation; Dance with the rhythm, the melody, accents, pauses and body interpretation. INT
Diego & Aldana

Transformation of a Giro: In this class we will work on how to transform a simple Giro into a completely different one, using deeper dissociation movements, footwork, pivots and sacadas. INTA
March 14
14:00-15:15Facundo & Vanesa
(FV8431 )

SEMINAR:Tango Escenario
Los Totis

Pivots: quality of guiding and activation of the standing foot to improve the communication between the couple that allows us to expand the possibilities. INT
Javier & Fatima

Tango Improvisation: Use of the free leg in Tango. ADV
Facundo & Noelia

Music , musical interpretation , phrasing and pause. Exercise melodic rest and interpret the be ginning and end of musical phrases. INTA
Lucas& Paula

The expression of the legs: “Planeos y calecitas” combinations and adornments according the melody. INT
March 14
15:30-16:45Facundo & Vanesa

Milonga: how to use the center and the axis for complex figures. INTA
Carlitos & Agustina
(CA4442 )

Turn: Creating accelerations during the turn using elastics and centrifuges. The dynamic structure of Giro concept. ADV
Javier & Fatima

Fundamentals of Tango Salon: Working on the structure and shape. INT
Facundo & Noelia

Exploring musicality in waltz using different dynamics and giros (Facundo-Noelia's favorite). ADV
Dmitry & Stefany

Crazy legs in escenario. (Jumps on the basis of rotation and relaxation. INTA
March 14
17:00-18:15Chicho & Juana
(CJ8451 )

SEMINAR:Sacadas for man and woman: All details of weights change, connection, roles and expectation
Carlitos & Agustina
(CA3452 )

Musicality: Exploring rhythm from a chronological point of view; its layers, tones, types, evolution and modernization over time. INTA
Juan & Manuela
(JM2453 )

Out of axis, in and out, range of movement inside the abrazo and shared impulse. INT
Octavio& Carolina

Being Unbalance: It is also part of the dance for discoviring new ideas and giving different effects to the dance. ADV
Dmitry & Stefany

Vals: A footwork technique that allows you to create the desired character in a vals. INTA
March 14
18:30-19:45Chicho & Juana
(CJ8461 )

SEMINAR:Sacadas for man and woman: All details of weights change, connection, roles and expectation
Gianpiero & Lorena
(GL1462 )

Traditional dynamics in many solutions: How to add plasticity and musicality to standard patterns for more fun and challenge. BEG
Juan & Manuela

Tango Escenario with complex figures in stage (Juan-Manuela's favorite). ADV
Octavio& Carolina

Milonga: Playing around my partner. Different situations for followers and leaders. INTA
Giampiero & Magdalena

The body language use as an intrument of Musicality: How to interpret with our bodies what we are hearing. Intensities, couple codes, women's movement proposal and musical ornaments. INT
March 15
11:00-12:15Aldana Silveyra
(DA5511 )
Follower Tech
Diego Ortega
(DA6512 )
Leader Tech
March 15
12:30-13:45Agustina Piaggio
Follower Tech
Carlitos Espinoza
(CA6522 )
Leader Tech
March 15
14:00-15:15Noelia Hurtado
Follower Tech
Facundo de la Cruz
(FN6532 )
Leader Tech
March 15
15:30-16:45Chicho & Juana

SEMINAR:Connection & Structure (How to dance as one) Chicho and Juana's favorite subject
Carlitos & Agustina

Motor of movement: Upper part and lower part of the body and their relation with the center. Differences and how it affects the movement. INT
Los Totis
(LT3543 )

Velocity without loosing the harmony inside the couple: The technic, axis control, communication and change of embrace. INTA
Octavio& Carolina

Yeites Milongueros: Details and secrets of the old Milongueros to create a tango aesthetic in your own dance. Figures and qualities of the best dancers of the golden age of tango. BEG
Lucas & Paula

Interpreting Pugliese’s music: Movements with effects, the power of tensions and pauses. ADV
March 15
17:00-18:15Chicho & Juana

SEMINAR:Connection & Structure (How to dance as one) Chicho and Juana's favorite subject
Facundo & Vanesa
(FV1552 )

All level: Embrace: how to apply dissociation in a linear or circular way depending on the movement. ALL
Facundo & Noelia

Sacadas and barridas, both linear and circular, in synch with the line of dance. INTA
Diego & Aldana
(DA2554 )

Musical interpretation: How we use music to connect with our partner and be able to express our creativity when dancing. We propose that you feel the music from a more expressive place and at the same time understand when to advance and walk, when to turn, when to retain or release force, Melody or Rhythm. INT
Dmitry & Stefany
(DS4555 )

Stage tango: Working with speed using variation as an example. Interaction, technique, musicality. ADV
March 15
18:30-19:45Facundo & Vanesa

Techniques in the embrace, body mechanics, how to maintain the connection and esthetics without loosing dynamics between the couple. INT
Javier & Fatima
(JF1562 )

Tango walking with cross and directions: Tips for an elegant walk and embrace. Learn it from the best. BEG
Juan & Manuela

Colgadas: Impulse and weight distribution to find the correct flow (Highly Recomended). ADV
Neri & Yanina

Essence of the Waltz: This music it's special to do giros, depending on the moment that found us we can choose to use the melody or the rhythm, giros and contragiros or giros with lapis. INTA
Gianpiero & Lorena

Maximizing Improvisation: Ideas and creativity in "giros", using the giro as an improvisation platform to link other structures. ADV
March 16
11:00-12:15Carolina Giannini
Follower Tech
Octavio Fernandez
(OC6612 )
Leader Tech
March 16
12:30-13:45Vanesa Villalba
Follower Technic
Facundo Pinero
Leader Tech
March 16
14:00-15:15Chicho & Juana
(CJ8631 )

SEMINAR:Complex combinations: The ingenous elements of Chicho and Juana all combined in one artful way
Los Totis
(LT2632 )

Milonga "Los Totis' favourites". INT
Diego & Aldana
(DA3633 )

Diego and Aldana's speciality: From the base to the complexity, maintaining the aesthetics, the lines and the embrace, combined Giros class; enrosques, sacadas, fluidity and control. A class to explore in depth the giros with subtlety and strength, taking the couple's energy to the limit. INTA
March 16
15:30-16:45Chicho & Juana
(CJ8641 )

SEMINAR:Complex combinations: The ingenous elements of Chicho and Juana all combined in one artful way
Facundo & Noelia

Individual musicality: Identify diferent types of accentuation of the music. INT
Lucas & Paula

“Colgadas” for social dance. Exploring and sharing the axis on the couple. Lucas and Paula's favorite topic. INTA
March 16
17:00-18:15Carlitos & Agustina

Density: Manage of the body tones in order to get flow and smooth displacements. Being grounded and develop your dance to feel better and more confident on the dance floor.
Gianpiero & Lorena
(GL3652 )

Timing and body awareness in sacadas, barridas, ganchos: how to make simple and comfortable complex dynamics
Octavio& Carolina

The Variation: How to handle the most critical moment inside Tango. Body preparation for speed, power and precision. What movements can we use to improvise in any Variation.
March 16
18:30-19:45Javier & Fatima
(JF2661 )

How to look good in Tango?: The embalishments of man and woman without pausing the partner in Tango Salon
Cristian & Valentin

Reverse saccade on the dance hall: These saccades allow us to explore fluid inverted movements without breaking the hug
Neri & Yanina
(NY4663 )

Tango escenarios, jumps, how to coordinate the impulse and how to land. Composition and choreographic resources (Neri-Yanina's favorite)
Open Role Classes (During the Open Role Marathon)
DaySessionRoom 1Room 2
7th March
18:00-19:15Cristian & Valentin
(CVOR 3111 )

Milonguero decorations: Explore the good use of small drawings in the milonga
7th March
19:30-20:45Cristian & Valentin
(CVOR 2121)

Close embrace comfort: Explore the different forms of the hug in a variety of movements to find comfort and security when performing the dance
8th March
12:00-13:15Cristian & Valentin
(CVOR 3211)

Circularity and Musicality: Creation of specific movements to remain in the same place for a certain time without losing rhythm or musicality.
Ivan & Miguel
(IMOR 2212 )

Key movements for role switch
8th March
13:30-14:45Cristian & Valentin
(CVOR 4221)

Both roles removed: Game of synchronized kicks maintaining the naturalness of the movement without breaking the hug.
Ezgi & Derya
(EDOR 2222)

Milonga technique and variations
9th March
12:00-13:15Cristian & Valentin
(CVOR 4311)

Shared axles: Body details to improve stability and handle the axis in the same energy
Ivan & Miguel
(IMOR 3312)

Dancing on unusual rhythmic patterns
9th March
13:30-14:45Cristian & Valentin
(CVOR 3321 )

Mix of times and against times: Musical management intertwining tempos
Ezgi & Derya
(EDOR 3322)

Giros: perfecting the connection when turning /with and without sacadas